Mystery Shopper” (Mystery Shopper) is a marketing research, which is conducted in order to assess the level of customer service in the company, to find out whether the standards are met, to collect information about the work of the staff.

The audit is performed by a specially trained agent - an ordinary client of the company.

The task of a secret agent (buyer) is to obtain information about the quality of service, appearance and manners of the personnel, behavior in conflict situations, use of sales techniques by the employees.

All the services peformed are provided by us are for B2B and B2C segments


Why mystery shopper audits are necessary

The results of audits provide the most unbiased information about what is going on in your organization

The method of hidden audits allows you to evaluate the work of personnel from the buyers' point of view

You will have the opportunity to assess the customer focus and competitiveness of the company

As a result, you will receive a detailed analytical report:

  • How friendly the staff welcomes customers.
  • The level of staff knowledge about products and whether they can present them well.
  • What mistakes salespeople, cashiers, consultants make in the process of work.

Main items and types of research

Audits allows you to solve the following tasks:

Due diligence of personnel

Certain companies involve the same client communicating with different employees.

For example: in a car dealership, a client takes a test drive with one employee, a loan is issued by another, and a third employee arranges insurance.

A mystery shopper study helps to inspect the performance of these employees in coordination.

During the audit, the mystery shopper evaluates the work of each employee and assesses whether the transfer of a customer from one employee to another is done in a professional manner.

Several questionnaires can be developed for the audit - separately for each service unit.

Standardization check

Every company has certain standards that an employee is required to comply with. Compliance with standards creates trust among customers.

During the audit, the mystery guest will:

  • - assess whether the dress code, behavioral and communication style of employees complies with the developed instructions,
  • - check compliance with the standards of customer reception at all stages (meeting, consultation, demonstration, sale),
  • - check the order and cleanliness of the office and point of sale.
Inspecting the staff's attitude towards customers

Practice shows that it is not uncommon for employees to judge a buyer's appearance and serve the client in accordance with it.

As a result, the customer faces arrogance, ignorance, and snobbery.

This undermines the company's status and revenue.

Mystery shoppers are designed to identify inappropriate attitudes toward the customer.

A mystery shopper study will help to learn about employee relations.

Employees' isolation, dislike for each other, conflicts in the team create a bad atmosphere that affects the attitude towards customers.

audits the staff's efficiency

A helpful and efficient salesperson increases sales many times over. A Mystery Shopper study can help you determine if your employees have these qualities.

The mystery shopper report answers different questions*:

  • - Did the salesperson engage the customer in the demonstration when showing the product?
  • - Does the employee make first contact?
  • - When giving a presentation, does the salesperson offer to try out the product being demonstrated?
Audit of the company's customer focus

Customer focus is one of the most important competitive advantages of a company. If a client has to choose between several suppliers that offer a more or less standard list of services, the client will choose the company with which they feels most comfortable.

"Mystery shopping” service will help to assess the customer-oriented nature of the company; to identify what part of the work is most valuable for the customer and how satisfied they are with the level of this work.

Analyzing skills in accordance with sales techniques

In order to realize effective sales, companies use various techniques, compliance of which needs to be checked. Control can be carried out with the help of the “ mystery shopper” method.

To solve this problem, it is recommended that during the audit, the mystery shopper must necessarily make an audio recording of the conversation. This is the basis for expert evaluation and identification of employee inaccuracies.

Inspecting employees for product knowledge

A salesperson must not only know certain information about the products being sold, but also be able to present this information to the customer. Salespeople should keep their knowledge up to date by learning both new products and additional features. For such audits, special attention is paid to the cover story. It specifies the products for which the seller's knowledge should be checked. It also specifies the doubts and objections that may arise from the buyer, in order to further assess the skills of the seller to remove and work off these objections.

Inspecting employees for honesty and loyalty

When the store provides promotions and discounts, it is necessary that employees fulfill their conditions: offer visitors to participate in the action, provide discounts, give gifts. Unfortunately, there are situations when the gifts do not reach the buyers, so audit by a mystery shopper will allow you to control the staff honesty.

The mystery shopper method allows you to inspect whether employees offer discounts, promotions and bonuses not covered by the rules in order to close the sale and encourage the client to make a deal.

Audit of merchandising (prices, product display)

In the retail outlet, products are placed in accordance with the designed and agreed planograms. This is the responsibility of specialized employees - merchandisers. They monitor the filling of shelves, up-to-date price tags and lay out promotional goods.

You can check the way the merchandiser performs his duties with the help of the method of “Mystery Shopping”. The inspector will also be able to assess the knowledge of the product being promoted if there is a merchandiser-consultant working in the location.

Comparative analysis of competing companies

Competitive environment knowledge gives an opportunity to strengthen the position of the company. Therefore, conducting a comparative analysis of competitors with the help of mystery shopping service is always relevant.

Before the audit, it is determined what information about competitors should be obtained. Based on this information, a detailed instruction for the visit is drawn up. The mystery shopper receives clear and detailed instructions on what and by what parameters to evaluate, as well as what additional information (availability of discounts, promotions, special offers) he should reflect in his report.

Audit of business partners (franchisees)

In dealerships and franchisees, it is important to observe certain standards:

  • - greeting,
  • - dress code,
  • - food service,
  • - arrangement of furniture and other things according to the contract.

The “Mystery Shopper” method helps to monitor the fulfillment of all requirements even from a distance.

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Reporting and Audit records

Reporting and audit records Depending on your needs we will provide the following materials (artifacts)

Analytical report
(if required by the contract)
Audio recording
(if required by the contract)
Video recording
(if required by the contract)
(if required by the contract)
Photo of
the detected violations
Additional materials
Price lists, flyers, screenshots of e-mail and chat, etc.

Why do people order Mystery Shopping service from us?

To order a mystery shopper study means to get support of an experienced specialist who will definitely help in improving the service of your company!

Using the experience you will be able to significantly improve your business and motivate your staff to perform their tasks.

  • We conduct audits of various sizes and complexity
  • Training and coaching of mystery shoppers
  • Full confidentiality of the results of audits
  • Individual approach to the target audience of the inspected location
  • Developed network of trained mystery shoppers
  • Audits throughout Russia and CIS
  • Provide access to online reporting
  • Custom questionnaires and scenarios for each project

The stages of the research are:


Collection of information

Defining the objectives of the study.

Development of questionnaires, instructions, scenarios and legends.

Identification of the necessary artifacts (video and photography, audio recording, receipt collection)


Personnel training

Selection and training of mystery shoppers.

Preparation of agents for a specific check.


Research and analysis

Visiting the assigned objects.

Completion of reports.

Verification and analysis of the data provided.

Preparation of final reports with recommendations.

A personal manager for your project

A personal project manager will work with you to ensure the success of your research.

The manager fully supervises the project, consults on all questions that arise, provides the following information on the project:

  • Provides questionnaire, mystery shopper legend for approval
  • Provides mystery shopper reports on the audit, including additional materials on the audit (artifacts)
  • Provides a final analytical report on the results of the audit
  • Provides an expert opinion on compliance with sales techniques based on the audit
How well do your employees do their jobs?
Do they know how to communicate with customers?
Do they know and apply sales techniques?
These and many other questions are answered by a mystery shopper audit.
The service has been in great demand for several years in St. Petersburg,
Moscow and other cities in Russia and the CIS.

A mystery shopper audit. What does it do?

Do you want to get an objective assessment of the way your staff works?

Then use the help of experienced specialists from our agency. Mystery shopper, which you can hire with the help of our agency, will visit the office, store, salon under the guise of a real client. He will ask standard questions and observe everything going on with utmost scrutiny.

If necessary, the employee will perform photo and video recording, record on the conversation with the sales consultant.

How to order the service “Mystery Shopper” in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia

You can order the service of mystery shopper in our agency by phone numbers specified on the page of the site.

We organize and conduct mystery shopper audits in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation. We also work in CIS countries.

Mystery shopping is a reliable tool used to assess the quality of service in establishments. The results of the study allow you to improve service and increase profits in the organization.


All results of the research will be guaranteed to be passed only to you according to the agreement on non-disclosure of commercial information.

The data obtained during the audits will not be shared with third parties!


We work throughout Russia and the CIS


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