Standard mystery shopper audit

Standard mystery shopper audit

As part of the audit, a mystery shopper conducts a visual assessment of the exterior and interior of the facility, the appearance of the staff, what the salesperson was doing at the time of the customer's appearance, compliance with corporate requirements, possession of information about the product or service provided. This audit can be conducted with or without a control purchase.

Standard check is one of the most common and frequently used mystery shopper service checks used in stores, banks, restaurants, beauty salons, and medical centers.

Mystery shopping: varieties of service

The mystery shopper, having received all instructions, personally visits the object to be inspected and performs the audit. There are several types of standard checks:

With the purchase.
With purchase and return.
With disclosure.

What standard checks we perform

Consultation visit

A type of screening that involves a mystery shopper obtaining advice on a particular product or service at the location being screened.
During the visit, the mystery shopper asks a certain salesperson specially designed questions, assesses the appearance of the employee, his friendliness and politeness. In addition, the inspector can assess the location: cleanliness, order, availability of POS materials.

A shopping visit

A type of audit in which a mystery shopper makes a test purchase. The mystery shopper shows interest in the product, consults with the seller, evaluating his work. At the end of the visit, the mystery shopper makes a purchase, evaluating the payment process and the work of the cashier.
Often it's enough to buy the little thing you need: chewing gum, a battery, a lighter.

Purchase and return visit

The type of audit is similar to a visit with a purchase. Having selected a product, the mystery shopper makes a purchase, evaluating the work of the cashier and the payment process.
After making a purchase, the mystery shopper returns the purchased goods in order to evaluate the return procedure and the employees' reaction to the return. The results of the return procedure check are also recorded in the report.

A visit with disclosure

A routine visit by a mystery shopper disguised as a mere customer for the purpose of obtaining advice and checking the quality of service.
Everything is according to the usual scenario. But, the difference is that after receiving a consultation, the mystery shopper reveals himself, fills out a checklist and signs it with the employee in charge of the check. If necessary, the checker provides feedback on the check.

How will you benefit from mystery shopping

Professionalization personnel
You will understand what to emphasize in staff training
Improving the quality of service
You will improve the quality of customer service
Increasing customer loyalty
By applying the results and findings of the audit, you will increase the loyalty of your customers
Sales growth
Your sales will start to increase
Improving competitiveness
By fixing the identified problems, you can outperform your competitors
Improving the attractiveness
of TT
You'll know what's going on at the point of sale and be able to address deficiencies

If you are interested in the service, please contact us

Or just fill in the application form.
Our manager will call you back and introduce you to all the advantages of our service


Your data will not be shared with third parties
