Mystery shopping: varieties of service
The mystery shopper, having received all instructions, personally visits the object to be inspected and performs the audit. There are several types of standard checks:

Standard mystery shopper audit
As part of the audit, a mystery shopper conducts a visual assessment of the exterior and interior of the facility, the appearance of the staff, what the salesperson was doing at the time of the customer's appearance, compliance with corporate requirements, possession of information about the product or service provided. This audit can be conducted with or without a control purchase.
Standard check is one of the most common and frequently used mystery shopper service checks used in stores, banks, restaurants, beauty salons, and medical centers.
The mystery shopper, having received all instructions, personally visits the object to be inspected and performs the audit. There are several types of standard checks:
Consultation visit
A shopping visit
Purchase and return visit
A visit with disclosure
We will carry out research in large and small companies from various areas of trade and service. Minimum number of locations to be inspected - 1
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