Audit of merchandisers is an audit of the work of a retail outlet's sales staff. Deficiencies, problems, inconsistencies in the display of products are identified during the audit. After the study, management decisions are promptly made to eliminate all deficiencies.
The audit is performed by a specially trained person according to a pre-planned and agreed with the customer scenario. After visiting a retail outlet, the auditor fills out a checklist prepared by the agency. The checklist usually contains:
Checklists shall be provided in hard copy. Photos/scans of checklists, electronically.
Electronic version is predominantly used recently, as it is more convenient for data processing and subsequent analysis.
Definition of research objectives.
Drawing up a questionnaire.
Writing a cover story.
Identification of artifacts (video recording, photographs, audio recording, receipts).
Developing a schedule for visiting locations.
Drawing up instructions for auditors.
Selection and training of mystery shoppers.
Coordination of mystery shoppers during audits.
Collecting the information obtained.
Analysis of the data received.
Or just fill in the application form.
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If all the standards for organizing proper display are met, it is possible to achieve a significant increase in sales.
According to marketing research, from 40 to 70% of purchase decisions are made spontaneously, and 70 to 80% of customers make the final decision in favor of a particular brand directly at the point of sale. Approximately 70% of customers are significantly influenced by a clearly marked price, supported by promotional materials, and strict adherence to the accepted rules of merchandising provides on average 25 - 30% more money from sales.