Mystery shopper service will allow the business owner to detect problems and take prompt action to improve the quality of service.
A tool that allows you to see what happens in the salons when the manager is not around, to see how the salon works "from the outside".
Despite the stable demand for services related to appearance care, many beauty salon owners face the problem of decreasing number of clients. The method of marketing research "Mystery Shopper" (Secret Client) offered by our agency will allow you to identify the most objective factors due to which your salon can and is losing clients.
We will inspect your salons and provide detailed comments on the following parameters
Master's waiting time.
Staff Appearance.
Quality of customer service at all stages of the interaction: greeting, identifying needs, serving, completing the interaction.
Customer development: offering related services, goods, identifying customer satisfaction.
Subjective assessment of service quality and recommendations for improvement.
Evaluating the cleanliness and orderliness of the salon.
A mystery shopper will help
answer your questions
A distinctive feature of this research is the analysis of the salon’s operations not from the perspective of a beauty industry expert, but from that of a regular visitor, a potential consumer of your services.
The mystery shopper is an average client who visits your salon to use one of the offered services and anonymously gather information on how your employees fulfill their duties and interact with customers.
The success of the audit depends on how well the mystery shopper is selected. We take a careful approach to recruiting and selecting the mystery shopper.
We have an extensive database of mystery shoppers, which is updated daily. Each selected mystery shopper undergoes training on the project’s specifics. Our staff continually coordinates with the mystery shopper and stays in contact with them throughout the process.
Sales growth and profit increase
Customer focus assessment
Increasing the flow of regular and new customers
Level control services
Analysis of companies competitors
Motivation for employees
The cost of mystery shopping service is determined individually for each customer.
The final cost of conducting the study can be influenced by:
We will develop a questionnaire, a legend and an instruction manual for your projects
Let's run some tests checks
You'll get the results in personal cabinet online platforms
Our manager will estimate
the cost of the individual project for you
How does the audit go?
Mystery shopper research consists of several steps.
A project is created for each client in the online reporting system.
Personal accounts are prepared, accesses are set up depending on the area of responsibility of the client representatives.
The address program is loaded.
After completion, the reports are entered into the online system. The questionnaires are then checked by specialists from the validation department. After all checks, the reports become available to the client.
Each report undergoes several reviews:
Checking to make sure all fields are filled with sufficient information and that all necessary artifacts (audio, photos, receipts, etc.) are present.
Checking whether the provided data corresponds to the audio recording.
Checking for spelling, logical and punctuation errors.
At the end of the audit you receive a final analytical report with conclusions on improving the quality of customer service in SPA and beauty salons.
A one-time inspection will only show you what the quality of service in your salon is today.
Regular audits work for the future. There is a lot of competition in the beauty industry, so you need to keep your finger on the pulse at all times.
Conducting "mystery shopper" checks in beauty salons on a regular basis helps to control the level of service in the company, to make timely changes, to conduct training.
What a Mystery shopper check gives to the head of a SPA or beauty salons
Sales growth and profit increase
Customer focus assessment
Increasing the flow of regular and new customers
Service level control
Analysis of competing companies
Motivation for employees
Huge experience of carrying out audits throughout Russia (in large and small towns). We can organize audits of any level of complexity.
Individual approach to each customer. We take into account the specifics of each company. In accordance with this we form checks.
We know all about mystery shopper research:
All research results will be guaranteed to be shared only with you under a non-disclosure agreement.
Data obtained in the course of audits will not be passed on to third parties!
Just fill in the application form.
Our team will call you back and introduce you to all the advantages of our service.