Mystery shopping is a marketing research, it is used to determine the quality of service and quality of visitors, to check the fulfillment of obligations of dealers and partners, to assess the work of competitors.
For this purpose, specially trained specialists (mystery shoppers) are sent to the retail outlet, who use certain techniques and developed questionnaires to assess the level of service and make reports on the research.
Get objective data to improve the customer experience
Find out how things are going in the sales floor/showroom or the office
Find out how
your dealer works
with potential buyers
A mystery shopper visiting service stations, gas stations, car dealers, evaluates the service. In addition, it is possible to check how employees work during night shifts (gas stations, service stations).
The car dealership tests knowledge of sales techniques, car features, and customer attitude. Often in expensive car dealerships there is a dismissive attitude and staf looking down on customers. A mystery shopper test gives an opportunity to evaluate the quality of service and look at the behavior of employees through the eyes of an ordinary customer.
Who is a mystery shopper?
This is the average client. We select the right candidate from our extensive database. We prepare him, train him. All mystery shoppers undergo audio training on the peculiarities and specifics of each project.
The mystery shopper is provided with all necessary materials: questionnaires, legends, instructions, addresses. Before visiting the location to be checked, we conduct a survey to control the ability to understand the information necessary for participation in the project.
In a car dealership, at a gas station, in a service station, a mystery shopper behaves like an ordinary customer, acting according to the cover up story and instructions. Communicates with a specific employee, assesses the cleanliness of the entrance area and inside, pays attention to every detail. If planned, when communicating with an employee, he makes an audio recording of the conversation.
After verification, the mystery shopper fills out a questionnaire and sends it to us along with all necessary artifacts (audio recording, receipt, photos). The artifacts are agreed upon in advance.
Knowledge and skills testing
of the company's employees:
Quality of service check:
A mystery shopper will help
answer your questions
Sales growth and profit increase
Customer focus assessment
Increasing the flow of regular and new customers
Level control services
Analysis of companies competitors
Motivation for employees
We will provide you with
a cost effective and best in the industry practice
Mystery shopper marketing research consists of several stages
The script, legends, questionnaires are developed and agreed upon.
Casts mystery visitors according to the company's target audience; prepares for the specifics of the audit.
Assigns agents to a targeted program.
An online project is being prepared.
Mystery visitors make visits to the location being inspected and conduct assessment work as assigned.
Questionnaires are being filled out.
Processing of questionnaires by managers.
Providing a reporting package: questionnaires, audio recordings, photos and other reporting agreed upon in advance.
A professionally designed questionnaire in accordance with the needs of the customer and taking into account the specifics of interactions with secret visitors allows you to objectively assess the required parameters.
The presence of mandatory open-ended questions in the questionnaire allows you to get the subjective impressions of secret shoppers from the visits.
Matching mystery shoppers to a typical image of a potential customer minimizes the disclosures of the reviewer - and therefore increases the validity of the research.
Interaction with mystery guests at all stages of the research provides an opportunity to obtain the maximum amount of information, as well as to clarify any details if necessary.
Verification and correction of reports by our specialists allows to exclude incorrect and incomplete reports in advance.
Providing a final report on the results of audits saves the client's time for independent analysis of the provided data, gives an opportunity to look at the information with a different professional view.
A project is created for each client in the online reporting system.
Personal accounts are prepared, accesses are set up depending on the area of responsibility of the client representatives.
The address program is loaded.
How are the results processed?
After completion, the reports are entered into the online system, and the questionnaires are sent to the validation department specialists for verification.
Each report is checked in several stages:
Checking to make sure all fields on the form are filled out and that all necessary artifacts (audio, photos, receipts, etc.) are present.
Checking whether the provided data corresponds to the audio recording
Checking for spelling, logical and punctuation errors
Once all validation steps have been passed, reports in the system become available for viewing by designated client representatives.
The first check shows what level of service your company is at. After that, you correct any shortcomings. Then, after a while, you need to check how the new knowledge has been implemented. To do this, you need to use a mystery shopper audit again.
Conducting mystery shopper research
on a regular basis is:
Huge experience of carrying out audits throughout Russia (in large and small towns). We can organize audits of any level of complexity.
Individual approach to each customer. We take into account the specifics of each company. In accordance with this we form checks.
We know all about mystery shopper research:
All research results will be guaranteed to be shared only with you under a non-disclosure agreement.
Data obtained in the course of audits will not be passed on to third parties!
Just fill in the application form.
Our team will call you back and introduce you to all the advantages of our service.