Mystery shopper - a person who appears to you under the guise of an ordinary customer, his task - while maintaining natural behavior, to get the maximum amount of information about the work of employees of a retail outlet, institution, pharmacy, to assess the situation as a whole, to look at the business "from the outside".
Employee background checks by a mystery shopper are a good way to get an independent opinion on your company's performance. A mystery shopper review is particularly relevant for companies operating in the service sector.
The Mystery Shopping Survey (Mystery Visitor) will help you evaluate the service in a medical facility and pharmacy.
Do your research
"Secret visitor"
and get your questions answered
"Mystery shopper" (secret patient) - a method aimed at obtaining an independent assessment of service. A script, a legend, and questionnaires are prepared for the audit. The mystery shopper under the guise of an ordinary customer visits the inspected object and records all the necessary details. Then the checker fills out a questionnaire in which he or she records all the information received.
The information obtained during the audit is analyzed and systematized by our specialists. Based on the final data, recommendations are made to improve the quality of customer service.
When conducting audits, the mystery shopper uses a dictaphone and a camera (usually a photo of the facade of the building is taken; if possible, violations are also recorded).
The checks that the organization's management conducts cannot reveal the real problem because employee evaluation is subjective.
A mystery visitor will identify the real problems your customers face: from the lack of knowledge of employees, to the lack of communication skills, analyze the strengths of your organization, identify "points of growth".
What a secret patient can find out
during the audit of the medical center
What a mystery shopper can find out
during a pharmacy audit
Our manager will estimate
the cost of the individual project for you
Visits are made on specific dates (the schedule is set by the client).
At the stage of audits, it is mandatory to coordinate performers in the fields, which avoids erroneous and poorly executed visits.
After the audit, the mystery guest fills out a report (no later than 12 hours after the end of the visit).
Development and approval of the scenario, storyline, and survey.
Casting of the mystery shoppers according to the company’s target audience. Preparation for the audit requirements, and distribution according to the location schedule.
Preparation of the online project.
Mystery shoppers make visits and conduct evaluation work as assigned.
They fill out questionnaires.
Processing of questionnaires by managers.
Providing a reporting package: questionnaires, audio recordings, photos and other reporting agreed upon in advance.
When conducting a multi-point audit, the questionnaire is divided into blocks. The blocks of the questionnaire may vary depending on the type of institution being checked (pharmacy), goals and research objectives.
Selecting a performer is an important step.
In accordance with the portrait of a potential visitor to the store and the desires of the client, the characteristics of people suitable for the role of a mystery shopper are determined.
Our agency has an extensive base of experienced mystery shoppers. All performers undergo audio training on the peculiarities and specifics of each project. We provide mystery shoppers with all the necessary materials: questionnaires, legends, instructions, addresses.
Before the check in, mystery guests are quizzed to monitor their ability to understand the information they need to participate in the project.
Throughout the course of the audit, the coordinator assists the mystery shopper: coordinating, guiding, answering questions that arise.
The online reporting system creates a project for each client.
Personal accounts are prepared, accesses are set up depending on the area of responsibility of the client representatives.
The address program is loaded.
How the results of audits are processed
After completion, the reports are entered into the online system, and the questionnaires are sent to the validation department specialists for verification.
Each report is reviewed in several stages:
Checking to make sure all fields on the form are filled out and that all necessary artifacts (audio, photos, receipts, etc.) are present.
Checking whether the provided data corresponds to the audio recording
Checking for spelling, logical and punctuation errors
Once all validation steps have been passed, reports in the system become available for viewing by designated client representatives.
At the end of the survey, a summary table of results is compiled for all chain hotels and employees.
On the basis of the analysis of the data received, the specialists of the Project Department form a final analytical report on the results of audits
Conducting regular mystery shopper inspections at medical centers and pharmacies improves the service, increases customer flow, attracts new customers, and increases profits.
Be the best in your field. Provide customers with quality service.
Huge experience of carrying out audits throughout Russia (in large and small towns). We can organize audits of any level of complexity.
Individual approach to each customer. We take into account the specifics of each company. In accordance with this we form checks.
We know all about mystery shopper research:
All research results will be guaranteed to be shared only with you under a non-disclosure agreement.
Data obtained in the course of audits will not be passed on to third parties!
Just fill in the application form.
Our team will call you back and introduce you to all the advantages of our service.